Exploring Your Exit


Your Business, Your Exit

Understanding All Your Options

Selling some or all of a business is a monumental decision with multiple pathways to consider. Whether you're looking inward to pass the torch to trusted employees or family members, or you're seeking an external buyer to take your life's work to new heights, understanding the full spectrum of your options is crucial. The Rich Hall Group is here to illuminate these paths, guiding you towards the most fitting exit strategy for your unique situation.

Selling Internally: Keeping It 'In the Family'

Nurturing the Next Generation

Family Succession

Transitioning your business to a family member isn't just a transaction; it's a continuation of your legacy. We help ensure it’s a smooth handover that respects both your legacy and the business’s financial health.

Employee Buyouts

Sometimes, the right successor is already part of your business. We identify and collaborate with ESOP experts to design and implement plans that align with both your goals and the welfare of your employees. This ensures a smooth transition of ownership that maintains the business's ethos and operational integrity.

Management Buyouts

Your management team may be well-positioned to steer the business forward. We help identify options to benefit all parties involved, ensuring operational continuity and financial integrity.

Selling Externally: Expanding Horizons

Maximizing Value for the Future

Strategic Acquisition

A strategic buyer typically pays the most for your company as it complements what they’re doing and provides a strategic offering that fulfills a much needed gap. We identify potential strategies to attract those partners who see the inherent value in your company's future.


This option allows you to cash out partially, retaining ownership while a financial partner injects capital for growth in exchange for debt. 

Financial Buyers

Investors or financial entities that recognize your business's value proposition can provide the liquidity you need. We ensure you’re knowledgeable on your options and that you understand the implications of taking on investors.

Making the Decision: Factors to Consider

Your Personal Goals

What do you envision for your post-sale life?

Business Continuity

How important is the ongoing operation of your business in its current form?

Financial Impact

What are the tax implications and financial outcomes of different sale structures?

Legacy Concerns

How will each exit option affect the legacy you wish to leave?


How does the current business environment align with your personal and financial goals?

Expert Collaboration, Customized for You

We don't just advise; we architect the assembly of a formidable team tailored to the unique nuances of your exit path. Recognizing the critical importance of specialized knowledge, The Rich Hall Group meticulously selects and coordinates with leading experts across various domains—tax law, financial planning, operational strategy, and beyond. This multidisciplinary approach ensures a comprehensive and cohesive strategy that covers all facets of the exit process:

An icon of a book with a scale of justice on the cover.


Navigate the complexities of tax implications to implement a solution before the sale so you optimize your financial outcome.

An icon of a  line drawing of a graph with an arrow pointing up and a dollar sign.


Collaborate on wealth management strategies to protect and grow the financial legacy you leave for your family.

An icon of a line drawing of a piece of paper and a house.


Advises on how to manage the assets and affairs for the future, including wills, trusts, and estate management after death.

An icon of Three gears with dots on them on a white background.


Enhance business value and streamline processes for your specific discipline to ensure a smooth transition with maximum value.

The logo for the rich hall group is blue and black.

What Our Clients Say

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“Rich Hall is not just a top of the line business advisor with years of experience, success, and knowledge, he seeks to understand your business and company on every single level. He delivers feedback extremely well and does so in a way that makes him seem like a partner not an advisor. I can’t recommend Rich enough. He has in short order helped my company grow, deliver profits to the bottom line, and build a successful team around me.”

Jamie Tipton

CEO, The IVP Group

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“Rich is an excellent business advisor. He specializes in working with small and medium sized businesses that are family owned. Rich has the ability to quickly assess a business and identify what areas need to be worked on next to generate the highest value in the shortest time possible. I recommend Rich to any business looking to grow or exit."

John Stautner


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“I have had the pleasure of working with Rich over the past 10 years with two different family businesses and I can state categorically that he has provided a strong contribution to both organizations. In each situation he brought significant value to the company's bottom line by growing revenue, and most importantly, profits in a very short timeframe. He is definitely the expert I would recommend to reboot and move your organization forward."

Patti Corbett Hansen

CEO, Corbett Consulting Group LLC

FAQs on Selling Your Business

  • How can I decide between selling internally or externally?

    It’s a decision that hinges on your goals for the business's future, your financial needs, and your legacy. The Rich Hall Group can evaluate both paths with you, providing clarity and direction.

  • What is the first step in preparing to sell my business?

    Surprisingly, it’s not about the business at first. It’s understanding your personal, financial, and business goals. Second, we assess your business's attractiveness to an outside buyer and the business’s readiness to transition. Finally, we perform a financial valuation of the business to identify a range of values it would sell for. Once all of these are determined, we focus on those areas that enhance the value of the business in alignment with your goals and timeframe.

  • What is The Rich Hall Group’s role in facilitating the sale process?

    Our role is to ensure the business is as valuable as possible to a potential buyer within the timeline and resources allotted. When you and the business are ready to sell, we work with a M&A team to effectively market the business and identify the right buyer.

  • How can The Rich Hall Group assist in setting up an ESOP as part of my exit strategy?

    In designing and implementing an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), The Rich Hall Group takes on the role of strategic coordinator, bringing together ESOP specialists, financial advisors, and legal professionals who are adept at tailoring these plans to your business’s and employees’ needs. Our approach ensures that the ESOP aligns with your broader strategic and financial goals, facilitating a seamless transition that honors your legacy.

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